Getting started

This document should you getting started with LoggableActivity


1 A running Rails Application<br/> 2 An authorization system where a current user or similar is available.


Add the loggable_activity gem to the Gemfile gem 'loggable_activity', '~> 0.5.4 and then<br/>

$ bundle install

Then we have to generate some migrations and execute them<br/>

$ bin/rails generate loggable_activity:install
$ bin/rails db:migrate

Add hoks to models

class User < ApplicationRecord
  include LoggableActivity::Hooks


Update config/initializers/loggable_activity.rb documentation is in the file.


You have to update the configuration file installed inside the config/loggable_activity.yaml This file defines how data are logged.

Automatically log show from controllers

This assumes that there is a current_user. E.g provided by the Devise gem</br> Add a this to the application_controller.rb if you want automatically log show

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include LoggableActivity::CurrentUser

Otherwise you might create app/controllers/concerns/current_user.rb and alter it .

Manually log show from controllers

If you want to log the show action you can add this to your controllers show method

def show

For developers and contributors

You can download and play around with a demo app - 1 Download the project from github - 1 Download the demo application from github - 2 Update the Gemfile in the demo project so it points to your localhost.


gem 'loggable_activity', '~> VERSION', path: '/PATH_TO_PROJECT/LoggableActivityEngine/LoggableActivityEngine'
# gem 'loggable_activity', '~> VERSION'

VERSION is the version number found in the gemfile<br/> PATH_TO_PROJECT is where you have stored the project on your local drive